lunes, 16 de abril de 2018




Defining relative clauses
Do not need commas to separate them from the rest of the sentence

The movie which/that we saw last week was directed by Martin Scorsese.
Come after the noun they refer to.
The director who/that won the award wasn¨t at the ceremony
Can use which/that to refer to things.
Can use who/that to refer to people.
Can use where to refer to places.
We stayed in the place where we had our
Subject and object relative clauses
A noun can either be the subject or the object of a defining relative clause.
The actress who wore the exquisite dress at the end of the movie is a model. (subject)
When the noun is the object of the relative clause, the relative pronoun can be left out.
The dress (that/which) the actress wore at the end of the movie is exquisite (object)

A defining relative clause gives us extra information about a noun. It cannot be removed from the sentence without effecting the basic meaning.

Una cláusula relativa definitoria nos da información adicional sobre un sustantivo. No se puede eliminar de la oración sin afectar el significado básico.



1.Un hotel es un lugar donde las personas se quedan cuando están de vacaciones
Resultado de imagen para HOTEL
2.¿Cuál es el nombre de la mujer que vive en esa casa?
Imagen relacionada
3.camarero es una persona cuyo trabajo es servir a los clientes en un restaurante.puntuación.
Resultado de imagen para camarero
4.Los monos son ropas que las personas usan para proteger su ropa cuando están trabajando.
Resultado de imagen para monos para proteger ropa

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